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When was Pagaya founded?
Pagaya was founded in 2016.
Where are Pagaya’s headquarters?

Pagaya’s headquarters are in New York City and Tel Aviv.

When did Pagaya go public?
Pagaya merged with EJF Acquisition Corp. to become a public company on June 22, 2022.
What is Pagaya’s fiscal year?
Pagaya’s fiscal year end is December 31.
Who are Pagaya’s auditors?
Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer, a Member of Ernst & Young Global
How can I invest in Pagaya?
Shares of Pagaya’s Class A common stock are publicly available for trading on the NASDAQ exchange under the ticker symbol “PGY.” Pagaya's warrants trade under the ticker symbol "PGYWW."
What is Pagaya’s CUSIP number?
The CUSIP number for the Pagaya’s common stock is M7S64L 115. The CUSIP number for the Company’s warrants is M7S64L 107.
Who do I contact for information my stockholder account? Who is the transfer agent for Pagaya?
The transfer agent and registrar for the Company’s ordinary shares is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. Its address is 1 State Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1561, and its telephone number is (800) 509.5586.
Does Pagaya have a direct stock purchase plan?
Pagaya does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Does Pagaya distribute dividends?
Pagaya does not currently pay a dividend.
Who should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
You may send your inquires to
Where can I find out more about your next earnings release?
Please sign up for e-mail alerts directly at Email Alerts.
How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
You may find copies of the Company’s SEC filings at Annual Report and Proxy Statements.
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